yaffa koff photography: the first year

Why am I so passionate about photographing newborns and all babies in their first year?

All my personal experiences of having and raising my own beautiful children, have led me to this job that I am so passionate about. No one should miss out on documenting their baby’s very first precious moments on this earth! Delicate little lashes, tiny toes, squishy cheeks, and more. All these details are so important to remember. Our babies are so small and snuggly when they’re born and they fit in our hands so sweetly, don’t you want images to remember it all? That first year is so fleeting!

This is what I fell in love with when I started on my newborn photography journey. And this is what I want to share with you. I want you to have these images and be able to turn them into beautiful pieces of art that you can hang in your home, or place on your coffee table and enjoy them! Isn’t that so much better than getting lost on your computer or hiding in the cloud? That first year of your baby’s life that seemed to fly away so fast will now be remembered, in detail forever!

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